Band Gap Synthesis in Elastic Monatomic Lattices via Input Shaping


Al Ba'ba'a, H. and Callanan, J., and Nouh, M., and Singh, T.,


Meccanica, 53 (11).


This work describes control-theoretic methods for inducing a band gap-like behavior in elastic monatomic lattices. The dynamics of the system under consideration are derived in detail. Open-loop pre-filtering techniques, in the form of Posicast and user-selected time delay filters, are then utilized to eliminate specific frequency contents from the response of the multi-degree of freedom springmass chain. The input shaping approach is used to synthesize one or more band gaps in a homogenous lattice that can be designed to resemble Braggscattering in phononic crystals, as well as local resonance effects in acoustic metamaterials. The presence of the synthesized band gaps in the lattice’s dispersion behavior is validated using a spatiotemporal Fourier transform of the system’s impulse response as well as the frequency response of the end-to-end transfer function. Finally, an analysis of the control effort required to cancel the targeted system poles is carried out.

author = {Al Ba'ba'a, H. and Callanan, J., and Nouh, M., and Singh, T.},
title = {Band Gap Synthesis in Elastic Monatomic Lattices via Input Shaping},
journal = {Meccanica},
volume = {53},
number = {11},
pages = {3105--3122},
year = {2018},
doi = {DOI 10.1007/s11012-018-0865-8},
eprint = {}