working on it! Meanwhile, please refer to paper [2].
Simon Julier, Jeffrey Uhlmann and
Hugh Durrant-Whyte. New Approach for Filtering nonlinear Systems. In
Proceedings of the
American Control Conference, Vol. 3, pages 1628-1632, 1995.
Simon Julier. Scaled Unscented
Transformation. In
American Control Conference, May 8-10, Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.
Simon Julier. Minimum Skew
Unscented Transformation. In
American Control Conference, May 8-10, Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.
Simon Julier. Spherical Unscented
Transformation. In
American Control Conference, June 4-6, Denver, Colorado 2003.
Dirk Tenne and Tarunraj Singh. The Higher Order Unscented Filter. In
American Control Conference, June 4-6, Denver, Colorado 2003.