P u b l i c a t i o n s
Tenne, D., Pitmann B., Singh, T., Llinas J., "Velocity Field based Tracking of Ground Vehicles", RTO-SET-059: Symposium on "Target Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion for Military Observation Systems", Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 October 2003
Tenne, D., Singh, T., "The Higher Order Unscented Filter", American Control Conference 2003, June 4-6, Denver, Colorado
Tenne, D., Singh, T., "Characterizing Performance of alpha-beta-gamma Filters", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 38(3), 1072-1087, 2002.
Tenne, D., Singh, T., "Circular Prediction Algorithms - Hybrid Filters", American Control Conference 2002, May 8-10, Anchorage, Alaska
Tenne, D., Singh, T., "Optimal Design of alpha-beta-gamma Filters", American Control Conference 2000, June 28-30, Chicago, Illinois
Kolodziej, J., Singh, T., "Target Tracking via a Dynamic Circular Filter/Linear alpha-beta Filters in 2-D", American Control Conference 2000, June 28-30, Chicago, Illinois
Beugnon, C., Singh, T., Llinas, J., "Adaptive Track Fusion in a Multisensor Environment", International Fusion2000 Conference in Paris, July 10-13, Paris, France
Tenne,D., Singh, T., "Formally Derived Characterization of the Performance of alpha-beta-gamma Filters" , Fusion99, The second International Conference on Information Fusion, July 6-8, Sunnyvale, California
Tenne, D., Singh, T., "Analysis of alpha-beta-gamma Filters", IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings. v 2 1999. p 1342-1347.
P r o j e c t s
Llinas, J., Singh, T., Tenne,D., "Stability and Performance Analysis of Filters" , 1999 IRIS National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion (NSSDF), May 24-28, John-Hopkins University/Applied Physice Laboratory, Laural, MD
Llinas, J., Singh, T., Chen, W., Tenne,D., "Fuzzy mathematics and logic for Multisource Data Association and Target Tracking" , NSSDF, Atlanta Ga, 3/31/98-4/3/98, Project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research/SPAWAR System Center (ONR/SSC), 1998
Llinas, J., Singh, T., Tenne,D., Hindle, T., "Advanced Tracking Filters for Maneuvering Targets in a Littorial Environment", Project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research/SPAWAR System Center (ONR/SSC), 1999
T h e s e s
Tenne, D., "Synthesis of target-track estimators", Thesis (M.S.)--State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998
Hindle, T., "On the parity equation approach for maneuver detection in target tracking" , Thesis (M.S.)--State University of New York at Buffalo, 2000
Beugnon, Celine S., Target tracking and data fusion in a multisensor environment, Thesis (M.S.)--State University of New York at Buffalo, 2000